pic credit: Flickr Garry Knight

Attracting a young audience is rapidly becoming a media obsession. In the United States, NBC Universal (NBCU) recently invested $200M in Vox Media and the same amount in Buzzfeed, which has an audience mainly composed of 18 to 34 years olds.

This investment trend is also happening in France. The radio station RTL has launched Girls, a website “that speaks to all connected girls”. Last week Les Echos created Les Echos Start online, aimed at 20 to 30 year olds. In 2016 the international news channel, France 24, will launch Mashable in French, targeting “young, active people”.

Last, but not least, Prisma Media has announced that US business and technology website, Business Insider, will soon be launched in France. According to Martin Trautmann, Prisma Media’s publisher, Business Insider is “a powerful brand, able to attract a young audience”.

Legacy media are chasing them, but are the so-called “millennials” running away? Read more…



Alice Antheaume

Directrice exécutive de l'Ecole de journalisme @sciencespo. Journaliste et correspondante France du Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.